Video art

Still frame from Corpo Líquido e Plástico 2.0

Videos and info on the ongoing Corpo Líquido Plástico project here

Improvisations during the confinement of 2020 due to coronavirus. Based on Francesco Careri's "Walkscapes: Walking as an Aesthetic Practice".

On embodiment_ A conversation with a somatic practice_02.png
On embodiment_ A conversation with a somatic practice_01.png
On embodiment_ A conversation with a somatic practice_00.png
On embodiment_ A conversation with a somatic practice_03.png

On embodiment

A conversation with a somatic practice

Frank A Isa Araújo Forest qhen the artist becomes part of it_04.png
Frank A Isa Araújo Forest qhen the artist becomes part of it_02.png
Frank A Isa Araújo Forest qhen the artist becomes part of it_01.png

“Forest. When the artist becomes part of it”. Collaboration with artist Frank Tophoven

“Límit & Frontière”

Screening at andròmina n.3, Pallejà, Barcelona.

Screening at SILOS. Photo: Liliana Resende

A APOSTA - Mr. lazy & Mme. Leisure with Ricardo Sousa